You think this ad deserves a spank?!?! Wait for jaymee's reply..

Do you like this ad?


Anonymous said...

its creative but it uses a woman to portray a message. its a spank for me

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... using a woman for an ad that says go vegetarian? This looks like the one that Bayantel ad that was posted a few days ago. I do agree with the comments that were posted for the Bayantel ad since it does say that sexy content is used in the wrong context. and from what I see here, its the same thing.

It does deserve a spank!

P.S. Do try to post more ads that you think are great!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to spank the woman! hahaha! But kidding aside, yeah this ad deserves a spank! Encouraging people to be a vegetarian could be done in a million other ways rather than showing an almost naked woman. Classless. tsk tsk.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so what exactly does a naked female have to do with a public service ad for eating vegetables? The only thing I know that this ad would be good for is that it can, and will most likely, surge up guys' testosterone levels. But it will not make them want to go vegetarian.

Might as well spank it and send it to the operating room!

Anonymous said...

oh shux.. this ad really deserves a spank. i was really shocked to see this ad. its not creative at all coz i dont even get it. dont just spank this ad, throw it away haha..

Anonymous said...

I agree with Nik. this should be trashed. Degrading women!

Anonymous said...

Very degrading and it really does offend women!!! Such a disturbing ad that should not only be SPank'd but also trampled upon and cut into pieces!

Anonymous said...

Variety is a spice of life! But this one is horrendous! It is sexually oriented, and it is very shameful to even post this on a billboard. It is demeaning and degrading to all women. I hope the people responsible to this ad talk to their mother and sister if they have them! This ad is an act of defiance to moral standards putting down women. I despiced this ad and must be spank all the way.

Anonymous said...

The designer of this ad appears to have in mind to get the viewers to look at it, and get them thinking! Young adults minds wonders around and try to figure out what in the heck is this ad all about? Instead of focusing on the main idea of being a vegetarian, it can easily be twisted into a bad translation. It is inappropriate to use a naked model just to get the attention of its audience. Spank it!

Anonymous said...

Most Healthy Inspired People comes from the group of vegetarians! But it does not mean they eat red hot peppers! One can argue that using a naked female covered with peppers can be misconstrued as sexual implicitness. The ad heavilly concentrated on the nudity aspect and had a blatant disregard to respecting the viewers intellect as well as feelings. This ad qualifies to be spanked and must be deleted from the billboard.

Anonymous said...

It is a complete violaton of the ethical standard set forth by the ADBoard. This kind of advertising must not continue to avoid further damaged to the image of the advertisers.

Anonymous said...

The advertisers Have full knowledge about the OAAP Laws. It is insulting to some audience and the general public as a whole, to know that in spite of the existing law, the advertisers still defiantly violate it! In most cases, the practice of corruption (bribery or lagay in tagalog), is very common in the Phillipines. At least doing something to voice our consolidated opinions perhaps might open some eyes within the OAAP management.

Anonymous said...

all your arguments and comments are very well said. we thank you all for being on our side with regard to this billboard and we are really overwhelmed that you understand the role of the ADBoard and OAAP in regulating advertisements. we really hope that both the ADboard and OAAP listen to the opinions of the public so that they would be even more strict in regulating advertisements.

Anonymous said...

thanks to everyone who posted comments on this ad that our group chose to post! :) we surely appreciate it! and the fact that some of you already used the terms "unethical" and said the phrases "against the standards of the code of ethics"; etc..made our group smile and tell ourselves that we were successful in delivering the real point that we wanted to make in the beginning..and that is to educate you guys about the advertising code of ethics. thanks so much! your gain of knowledge is our success! REALLY!